The Carnegie Museum of Natural History GIS Lab has produced a new web map to help researchers and the public to better understand the life of unconventional gas wells throughout Pennsylvania. The map uses the Carnegie Museum of Natural History Pennsylvania Unconventional Natural Gas Wells geodatabase to view information on permits, drilling, production over time, inspections, violations, and other information. View the map.
unconventional wells
Pennsylvania Unconventional Natural Gas Wells 2014 Q1 Update
The latest version of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History Pennsylvania Unconventional Natural Gas Wells data set is now available. The update includes records through March 31, 2014. You can now Download the data without registering. For information about updates, see the Version Information page. For more information, please see the Metadata and User License Agreement.
Pennsylvania Unconventional Natural Gas Wells 2013 Q4 Update
The latest version of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History Pennsylvania Unconventional Natural Gas Wells data set is now available. The update includes records through December 31, 2013. For more information, please see the User License Agreement.